NYC Climate Week 2023
September 23
Shifting Perspectives
As a Harakbut, as an Indigenous person, we always say that they need to strengthen the enabling conditions and see Indigenous Peoples as partners rather than just beneficiaries. That mindset, that perspective, has to change.
Indigenous Peoples are not mere beneficiaries they are partners and collaborators.

Fermin Chimatani Tayori
Fermin is the leader of the Harakbut people of Madre de Dios Peru and president of Anecap. His organization brings together the Executors of Administration Contracts of the Communal Reserves of Peru, who manage 5 million hectares of forests between protected natural areas and communal territories. He is a pioneer in the implementation of Amazonian […]
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How to transform the system?
Those most affected by the climate crisis are also those with the least power to decide and act on it. Tackling climate justice demands a shift in power, not only to repair frontline communities, but also to make sure that those who negotiate, sign and approve are also those most knowledgeable of what needs to be done to stop the crisis.