Who Truly Benefits from Deforestation?
Who benefits from deforestation? This is investor. I think the bills also talk about the investors. Law enforcement or sanction to the investor because they benefit every day from the deposition information, from the environmental damage, from the indigenous people, lose their livelihoods and also about the markets.
Zenzi shines a light on the complex web of interests involving investors and markets, prompting reflection on the need for accountability and responsible practices in the face of environmental degradation. The NY deforestation-free bill will put sanctions on investors who have profited from deforestation in tropical regions causing both damage to local communities, and the environment.

How to transform the system?
Those most affected by the climate crisis are also those with the least power to decide and act on it. Tackling climate justice demands a shift in power, not only to repair frontline communities, but also to make sure that those who negotiate, sign and approve are also those most knowledgeable of what needs to be done to stop the crisis.