Embracing the power of young people is paramount in driving tangible change. Today, we witness the remarkable ability of young individuals to not only articulate their concerns but also take concrete action on the ground. It is disheartening to see a lack of follow-through when it comes to translating words into deeds, with many leaders and individuals engaging in mere rhetoric. However, young people possess the capacity to both speak up and actively implement solutions. Their passion, energy, and unwavering commitment empower them to go beyond mere words and embark on meaningful actions that create a tangible impact. By recognizing and harnessing the potential of young voices, we can forge a path where genuine change is not only discussed but also realized through their remarkable actions.

What is climate justice?
The systems of oppression that we all live in right now are based in domination and they are all interconnected. Only by tackling the systemic violence that is embodied in capitalism, racism, sexism and others can we truly fight the climate crisis